Pomoc s překladem textu písně

Otázku položila: Anonymní uživatelka #381503 1.3.2018 22:43

není tady někdo ochotný mi pomoci s překladem anglické písně do češtiny? Zkoušela jsem nejrůznější překladače i Karaoketexty, ale nezdá se mi, že by byl text přeložen tak, jak má být. Text písně na internetu není k dispozici (až na zmíněné KT). Ráda bych věděla pokud možno co nejpřesněji, co se v ní zpívá. Text zasílám níže. Děkuji za jakoukoliv pomoc :-)

My neighbour his heart bleeds,
His baby's overseas.

She was that little girl
He used to put on his knees.
Watching her grow up
At only seventeen.
She put her life on the line to save her family.

Now every day of her life being so strong,
Whilst we're still in the dark it's worth fighting for,
We can do our part just to reassure,
The song will keep playing until you come home.

I"ll be i'll be i'll be there
I'll be he'll be she'll be there
Just wait you'll see we'll be there
Stay strong we'll be there for you
oh na na na na, oh na na we'll be there for you
oh na na na na, oh na na we'll be there for you

And now his baby is born but will he ever see
the life that he and his wife built come to be?
Will i see her smile or hold her next to me?
Will we get our chance to be a family?

Now every day of his life he is going strong,
Whilst we're still in the dark it's worth fighting for.
We can do our part just to reassure,
This song will keep playing until you come home.
I'll be i'll be i'll be there,
I'll be he'll be she'll be there.
Just wait you'll see we'll be there
Stay strong we'll be there for you
oh na na na na, oh na na we'll be there for you
oh na na na na, oh na na we'll be there for you.

You're coming home before long,
I know it's been rough but stay strong.
We're holding on to the thought that you'll be in our arms again.
When i see your face for the first time,
You'll see the sun shining on mine.
Whenever i'll be there,
Whatever you got it,
However wherever we'll be there for you always.

I'll be i'll be i'll be there,
I'll be he'll be she'll be there.
Just wait you'll see we'll be there,
Stay strong we'll be there for you.

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